The natural history of Pholcus phalangioides is easy to study, as they don't move much, residing for weeks on end motionless on quiet corners of the house, and are present year round.
A pair mating. Mating can last more than an hour. Males are slightly larger (10 mm) than females (9 mm).
Mummy long legs
As many other spiders, Pholcus take extended care of their offspring. They hold their eggs with their chelicerae until they hatch. The egg brood is kept together by a few silk threads.
A gravid Pholcus, she laid eggs the following night. She resided under the outside toilet shelf.
Here is the same individual with her newly laid eggs.
These eggs are going to hatch soon. The linear whitish patterns in the eggs are the legs of the developing young.
In about two to three weeks, spiderlings hatch. Right after emergence, the spiderlings remain together for a few hours, before moving onto the mothers surroundings.
The Pholcus under the shelf, with her record number of offspring, I counted 65 (30 is the average).
A Pholcus mother with her meal, another spider, surrounded by her offspring. She will set her egg sac aside to feed or to mate, and may lay further egg batches after the young spiderlings have dispersed. These spiderlings are almost ready to disperse, having had their first moult.
Spider hunters
Despite their fragile, spindly appearance, Pholcus are fierce predators, and regularly hunt other spiders, often much larger than themselves, including house spiders (Tegenaria) and woodlouse hunters (Dysdera). They achieve this by quickly wrapping the other spider on silk using their long legs, which allows them to keep their distance. Once thus subdued, they bite their prey. Pholcus uses a sit and wait approach, which is probably very successful during the autumn, when male house spiders move about in search for females. They can also use an ambush approach, moving about and, when it finds another spider's web, it will make it vibrate to attract the owner.
They don't always succeed in spider hunting, through, and I have seen other spider, the mouse spider (Scotophaeus blackwalli) with the remains of a Pholcus.
Another successful Pholcus with prey spider.
Pholcus with woodlouse.
A Scotophaeus blackwallii with captured Pholcus.
Last summer I was obliged to remove a nest of cellar spiders from the middle of an exposed wall at work. The spiderlings were more than half-grown. To my surprise, the mother attempted to stay and defend them against me, crouching at bay rather than retreating. I felt a bit bad about evicting her, but most of the spiderlings survived- they kept turning up in odd corners for weeks.
Thanks for the great blog post and pictures!
I found a spider under my cupboard yesterday and this helped me identify it 😁
I know cellar spiders well but didn't realise how big the female bodies got when pregnant until your pictures confirmed this. I suspect there will be some spiderlings soon.
I also didn't know they ate house spiders, so was surprised to find some old silk-encased bodies. Again your pictures matched what I found.
This is a great blog 😁
Cellar spiders build delicate, irregular webs that are not used to capture prey like traditional orb webs. Instead, they use their webs for shelter and as a surface to hang upside down from. They are active hunters, using their long legs to reach out and capture insects that come close to their webs.
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