Surprisingly, and despite its negative name, nectar robbing is not necessarily detrimental to the plant. The studies comparing seed set on 'robbed' vs. normally visited flowers in bumblebees show that either there is no effect on seed set or an increased seed set when 'robbed', indicating that nectar robbers are indeed involved in pollination. In addition, nectar robbing can happen at the margins of the plant distribution, where the usual long-tongued pollinators might be absent and the 'robbing' could be the only chance for seed set in self-incompatible species. Although to avoid this 'robber-like pollinators' has been proposed, I myself thin that a more suitable name for hole-making bumblebees could be 'floral engineers'.
A B. pratorum feeding on comfrey. Despite its short tongue it feeds via the corolla opening, I guess it must be able to reach the nectar due to its small size, maybe able to stick its head into the corolla itself, or it might be just collecting pollen. B. pratorum has also been reported as a primary nectar robber.
Bombus pascuorum feeding on comfrey flowers through the corolla opening
A close up of a Bombus terrestris queen showing her powerful set of mandibles
More information
Olesen, J.M. (1996) From Naïveté to Experience: Bumblebee Queens (Bombus terrestris) Foraging on Corydalis cava (Fumariaceae) Journal of the Kansas Entomological Society, 69, No. 4, Supplement: Special Publication Number 2: Proceedings of the Eickwort Memorial Symposium (Oct., 1996), pp. 274 -286.
Goulson, D., Stout, J., Hawson, S., & Allen, J. (1998). Floral display size in comfrey, Symphytum officinale L. (Boraginaceae): relationships with visitation by three bumblebee species and subsequent seed set Oecologia, 113 (4), 502-508 DOI: 10.1007/s004420050402
Maloof, J., & Inouye, D. (2000). ARE NECTAR ROBBERS CHEATERS OR MUTUALISTS? Ecology, 81 (10), 2651-2661 DOI: 10.2307/177331
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