Saturday 17 May 2014

Hairy shieldbug

This side shot of a Hairy Shieldbug, Dolycoris baccarum, in the wildlife garden, shows well where its name comes from. Its hairiness does not show in a more usual top shot (below).


  1. Even the instars are hairy! A lovely bug.

  2. Thank you Ray, I don't know what is it about shieldbugs, one of my favourite insects

  3. Hoping to see as many shield bugs as I can this year, not seen this one, your photo is very good you can see the hairs on it realy well.
    Amanda x

  4. Thank you Amanda! I think the reason is that the light was so hard in the midday sun that I used a flash, so the hairs came out really well. Good luck with your shield bug hunting!


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