Sunday 4 August 2013

Nymphalid riot

The buddleias are now in full bloom in the garden, and buzzing with bumblebees, droneflies and butterflies. Today it was a particularly wonderful day for butterflies. Eight species were feeding, or passing by the garden, but the 5 Peacocks on one buddleia at the same time must have been a first. A Comma and a Small Tortoiseshell accompanied them at some point. A Speckled Wood fluttered by the garden, not settling long enough for a photo. The three common white species were about, some egg laying and a darting skipper - which didn't settle either made an appearance too.
 The Peacocks spend most of the time feeding on the buddleias, occasionally settling on the wall or the ground for a spot of sunbathing. The Small Tortoiseshell sat on top of the fence, allowing me to take a photo of it at an unusual angle.
A great day for a Big Butterfly Count too.
Peacock underside, such an amazing contrast between the brightly coloured upper wing colours.
Peacock and Small Tortoiseshell together

Two of the five Peacocks feeding on the buddleia
Large white
Small White
Sunbathing on the ground
Comma, showing the paler underside of the summer generation


  1. Outstanding! All around :) And, I simply love that Bee. The UK has some of the most beautiful bees. The Tropics/Jungles aside, the UK bees are only surpassed by The Teddy Bear Bees of Australia :)

  2. I am a Brit in France and have been out photographing some Butterflies for the last three days and thought I would draw your attention to our bumper year for Clouded Yellow. You may well see an influx coming your way soon.

  3. Thank you sbooder for the info. I have never seen Clouded Yellow in my area, but I'll keep my eyes peeled for them


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